Color Party
I repotted an orchid yesterday. She had been calling me to do it for a while but I kept putting other priorities first. Alas, I worked hard to pry her free from her too-small pot, only to find another invisible at first, within. That tiny clay pot had to be smashed with a hammer to remove. And then, like a Russian doll, there was still yet another smaller plastic one within, cruelly tiny and constricting for all her expansion. Her roots exploded outwards with the release, and I sat on my shitty tile floor of my kitchen and cried for us both. And then, between flying nerf bullets and short-order-chefing, soothing a coughing child, phones ringing, a time consuming work deadline, and constant interruptions, I finally found a few minutes to write. (Poem below.)
It's time for all of us to release, to laugh and explore more, to not hold back, not be held back.
Photo by Daniel Tafjord,
I have ignored you too long
Dear and patient friend,
Silent and forgiving witness
Seemingly impartial you
Have obliged me always
Willingly surrendered to my
Impulses, observing
Since when and where it began
That grand house with its black shutters
And big wells of hope
Remember how you and I made our acquaintance there
By way of another friend?
You bloomed so joyously at my wedding
That exquisite day we met,
Everything was possible
Then you nestled in among us so discreetly
No bother at all
You humbly kept us company,
Sometimes entertained us with your creative flourishes
Brandishing soft finery,
Your explosion of delicate color,
So full of laughter
It's been too long
You too soon receded to responsibilities,
Conceded to burdens and pace
For eternal stretches,
You made yourself smaller,
Maintained your quiet and graceful place
That started so long ago...
Through that husband of mine,
My sons by him, now grown, so glorious
And other men,
A new child
Several homes
Still, you never left my side
I need to thank you, and apologize
You deserved more than occasional outbursts of raucousness,
Of unbridled joy and color,
I should have noticed your needs
Your deserving of better care
More laughter,
That obligatory maintenance you received was far from the adoration you deserved
How could I have let you make yourself smaller?
You were simply that loyal, selfless,
Such forced containment, sacrifice that has known no end.
I know you so well
Today I removed your shoes to find such tired and misshapen feet,
Your roots bound,
Movement withheld,
I wept
Still, your humility astounds me.
I stretched your limbs, caressed your gnarled potential
You are free,
And still I can see there is longing in your tired imperfections
Released finally from your too tight confines, your painful collusion
Again, I’m truly sorry,
You have always deserved more
All that you wanted, simple as it always was: to celebrate, to explore, to throw heads back in delight, to fill hearts to delicious
It’s time for a color party
Beautiful, depleted orchid
That sits on my window
In a pot finally the right size for dreams
My friend, Orchid in her new home, surrounded by locally mined crystals